28 June, 2009

HOTTEST VIDEO! "TK Sparta Praha - Hana Mandlikova" 18, June, 2009

New Video dedicated by PETRLUXA! It is SO HILARIOUS!

This is absolutely MUST-SEE!

Now I'm so excited to death! Because I found it just today, just this moment!

I check all the article, photos, videos regarding Hana Mandlikova on the internet everyday as much as I can. And today, I've encountered this literally breathtaking beautiful Hana's latest video dedicated by some Czech, called PETRLUXA. I wanna say big big big THANKS to this Czech friend. Oh, God, I don't know and you never know how much I appreciate for his /or her wonderful contribution. Even I have no idea what Hana's speaking there, but I definately feel she is huge. She, this born-athlete, has something in the atmosphere. Something huge in herself to attract people.

Don't waste your valuable time for just reading here. Go click the button, or just go visit PETRLUXA's Youtube, so you can hear her beautiful voice and see the latest Hana! Her amazing voice hasn't changed at all. It's like you go back to the good old days of 80's. Yes! The golden era of tennis!

Somebody who can understand Czech, please please please let me know what Hana's speaking!!!

I'm not gonna go to grave until I figure it out! (-^〇^-)

So you've gotta help me!


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