I've just finished editing Hana's video! Just this second!
Look at our Hana above!
She is relieved! So am I! I finally got liberated and relieved! God! I've done it!
It's been a long time since my last uploading. Lots of works still piled up on my desk and they need to be done right away, but I channeled my whole energy into make this Hana video. Yappy Yappy~!!! I don't think I'll make another Hana video within this year. So this is gonna be the last one for this year. But I'm so satisfied with this one. 'Cos lots of images of Hana packed inside are just so beautiful. I especially love Hana's sharp and stern eyes like eagles. Because it looks so athlete! So professional! So hot! I always have strong commitment on to Hana's eyes when I'm editing Hana videos or photos. Sacred eagle eyes!
Anyway, enjoy classy Hana. She is still "ON"!
Thank you, Hana!